Hey...y r u readin dis??:O
==>>U knw me??
==>>U wna knw me??
==>>Readin widout ny rsn..!!:P
Wt so evr is ur reason bt u hv already spent some of ur seconds in readin dis...So allow me to steal few more seconds frm ur lyf...:D
M kinda person who belivs in "ME" only...
I knw some Ppl cl me silent....but i believe in doing it then...talking abt it....
I knw, some Ppl cl it attitude..bt I cl it Self-respect,nd I think evry1 shd hv it...!!
I cn say dat M Enigmatic..nd I dnt lyk 2 b solved.
I nvr take my words back,4 me 1s its no means 'NO' 4evr.
Dnt lyk Compromises nd cnt forgt nythin easily,,,,,If U hv done smthin wrong wid me...Dnt Xpect absolution.
I strongly blv dat I mst nt cry 4 d othrs cz dey r nt fit 4 my tears.. & those who r fit 4 my tears wl nvr allow me 2 cry..
I care 4 those who realy deserve it..cz m nt a m/c 2 entertain evry1.. :P
U cn trust me cz I cn keep ur secretz...bt better dnt share wid me
Cz dnt wna b involved in ur personal matters,,,Nd yaa dnt try 2 interfere in mine..:P
U cn lie..bt nt infrnt of me cz I hate Liarz..:@
M Unpredictable - So dnt try to judge me
Jst ask me nd I vl try mah bst 2 solve ur doubts.
This one is for all of my closer ones... :-
"I care for you on my own strange ways......perhaps you will never know....perhaps i will never show....... ".
U may continue wid ur work nw!!!B)
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